Chaperone Application Header Image
Which trip or Destination you are currently applying to chaperone? *
Are you a volunteer or a staff member?*
Have you applied to chaperone another council sponsored trip or Destination within the last year?*
Are you the parent, caregiver, or related adult of a traveler on the trip you are currently applying to chaperone? *
Do you have a Girl Scout traveler that is related to you interested in attending the trip you are applying to chaperone? *
Date of Birth:*

Staff Questions

As a staff member applying to chaperone this trip as a volunteer, have your reviewed the “Holding Other Volunteer Positions” section of the employee handbook found on pages 19-20?*


You must review the “Holding Other Volunteer Positions” section of the employee handbook prior to continuing this application.

Have you have informed your supervisor and HR of this volunteer role application?*


You must inform your supervisor and HR prior to continuing this application. Please complete this step and return to the application once you have discussed with your supervisor and HR.

Do you understand that you will be required to use PTO and pay the chaperone fee listed above if selected to chaperone this trip?*


Staff members chaperoning a council trip is required to use PTO and pay the chaperone fee. If you are not able to do so, please contact the lead for the trip to discuss prior to continuing the application.

Do you understand that you will be required to sign a Staff and Volunteer Agreement Form to keep on file with Human Resources if selected to chaperone this trip?*


Signing a Staff and Volunteer Agreement Form is a requirement to be able to chaperone this trip.

Do you have a current passport?*
Expiration date:*
Have you previously chaperoned a council sponsored trip or destination? *
Have you led a trip or been a chaperone for a group of teenagers outside of Girl Scouts? *
Health info: Many trips require you to walk long distances and be in good physical shape. Are you able to perform the duties as related to the position?*
Are you on the travel committee?*

Trip Specific Questions

Please rate your skill level for the following attributes on a scale of 1-5 with 1 being not skilled and 5 being highly skilled*
Please rate your skill level for the following attributes on a scale of 1-5 with 1 being not skilled and 5 being highly skilled
  1 2 3 4 5
Traveling by plane
Navigating large metropolitan areas
Navigating public transportation
Leadership and decision making
Leading groups in unknown environments
Conflict resolution
Getting along with others
Cultural awareness
Maintaining professionalism during extended travel
Working with high school age youth
Please rate your skill level for the following attributes on a scale of 1-5 with 1 being not skilled and 5 being highly skilled*
Please rate your skill level for the following attributes on a scale of 1-5 with 1 being not skilled and 5 being highly skilled
  1 2 3 4 5
Traveling by plane
Navigating public transportation
Leadership and decision making
Leading groups in unknown environments
Conflict resolution
Getting along with others
Cultural awareness
Maintaining professionalism during extended travel
Spending extended time outdoors
Working with high school age youth
Walking 5 miles/day in hot temperatures
Problem solving
Sleeping in unknown environments
Sharing sleeping areas
Staying calm when frustrated or exhausted
Have you taken a Youth Mental Health First Aid class – or would you consider completing this before the trip? This is *NOT* required to be a chaperone.*

Emergency Contact Information


Short Answer Questions

References: List 2 references that are not related to you who can best speak about your ability to chaperone a GSCTX council sponsored trip.

Reference 1 Name:*
Reference 2 Name:*

Certification Inventory

Check all that apply:*
Check all of the additional certifications that apply:*
Use your mouse or finger to draw your signature above
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