Gold Award Workshop Evaluation Header Image
Name (must match the name you enter in the Go Gold Website):*
Troop Leader Name:*
TRUE OR FALSE: Creating a website is sufficient to meet the sustainability requirement of the Gold Award Project.*

Correct! You must create a plan and have a commitment from someone/organization to maintain the website after your involvement.

The answer is false. You must create a plan and have a commitment from someone/organization to maintain the website after your involvement.

TRUE OR FALSE: The project advisor should have expertise in the issue you are addressing with the project.*


This statement is true. The project advisor should have expertise in the issue you are addressing with the project.

TRUE OR FALSE: It is acceptable to have a parent or family member serve as a project advisor.*

Correct! A parent or family member can serve on your team but cannot be a project advisor.

This statement is false. A parent or family member can serve on your team but cannot be a project advisor.

TRUE OR FALSE: The research and development phase of the Gold Award Project can be a lengthy process and Girl Scouts should expect to revise the proposal based on Gold Award Committee feedback.*

Correct! Occasionally a project proposal is ready for implementation after the first submission, but not often.

This statement is true. Occasionally a project proposal is ready for implementation after the first submission, but not often.

TRUE OR FALSE: When creating the project's budget, everything that costs money or will be donated needs to be included.*


This statement is true. Everything that costs money or will be donated needs to be included in the project's budget.

TRUE OR FALSE: If a project receives a donation of $250 or more in money or in-kind goods, a Money Earning/Donation form needs to be submitted.*


This statement is true. All donations of $250 or more in money or in-kind goods require a Money Earning/Donation form to be submitted.

CHECK ALL THAT APPLY: A Gold Award Project must include the following elements:*

Correct! All of these are true.

All of the statements in the previous question are true.

CHECK ALL THAT APPLY: All parts of your project should be included in the timeline/plan including:*

Correct! All of these are true.

All of the statements in the previous question are true.

How did you take this workshop?*
Would you change anything about this workshop or how you attended?*
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